Kandyce off set in Langley BC, Spring 2022.

Daydreaming. There’s a lot of downtime on film sets. A lot of the time it’s full gas, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of the times it’s full stop. I’ve spent most of today in a lift (aerial platform lift if you don’t know what I’m talking about) and I’ve spent most of that time scheming to shoot more photographs. Scheming is maybe the wrong word, daydreaming is probably bang on.

There’s some scheming though. I need to make time this weekend to rattle through a few things in my camera gear. Getting specific I need to go through a book of filters I have at home and figure out what size adapter I need to get for red/infrared to land in front of my Hasselblad, I really want to run a couple test rolls for landscape stuff in Squamish. I also need to do some measuring to build a camera scanner, a friend from work can do a little bit of 3D printing wizardry, but I need to tell him what I want for such wizardry to be performed.

I think a lot about the short momentum I had in January with my little blog project. The regularity helps me feel like I’m being productive in my creative endeavours, keeps me engaged daily (even if it’s a short post). It definitely is Free Internet Therapy. It feels like a copout, but posting everyday is a real challenge from the van after/before work currently. I really want to keep it up, but it is challenging from the cramped space of my current van. I’m getting more and more excited and constantly daydreaming about the new van, even if it means a LOT of extra work trying to kit it out for set-life living and the trips Angela and I will make eventually.


