Man. Today I did a bunch of pretty mundane stuff. I spent the whole day trying to clean up my mess all around the house. Specifically, our bike room and my desk. So. When you have eight bikes in the 'bike room' in a one bedroom apartment that took a while. And then, the desk. Oh man the desk. Listen have you had a friend who went to art school? I only know like three people from art school that were actually able to keep their desks clean. It's just impossible. The only time I left the house today was to slide around the road to the grocery store and home.

Anyways the point is the mundane stuff reminded me I have this box of slides sitting on my desk. I didn't shoot these though. And I've never really looked at all of them. Part of the reason I was cleaning the desk anyways is so I can spend all day Friday scanning. I've got a roll or two of my own to do. And I want to start working through this box.

The slides live in this box for one of those Weilder spring loaded hand exercisers, and like the box the slides are a time machine. Vancouver and Edmonton and who knows what else from the 60’s. I'm pumped.


