Cropped detail of a Blue Heron in Paradise Valley.

Full weekend sums up last weekend. Full in the best way. Full of dog, seeing friends race bikes, camera lens test, more dog.

I haven’t made the time yet to go through all the images from this weekend. I can admit there’s probably not that many great ones from Saturday’s race out in Langley. Becky came with me in the effort to expose her to as many weird things as we can while she’s young, bike racing seemed like a good idea, she will be around it again in the future for sure. It was definitely a challenge to wrangle a 500mm lens on a monopod and have a dog with me in a ditch in the side of the road. But I’m hopeful I’ll pull another couple nice frames out tonight.

Sunday’s expedition to find some birds to further test the lens was a better success. Becky came with me for this too, but without fear of cars/bicycles racing by, a 20 foot lead meant she wasn’t pulling me around as much while I was trying to shoot. Finding this beauty of a heron in a nice side-y back-y light five minutes from the van was great.

Anyways. I like cameras. And I’m really glad that Becky is coming around to enjoying walks a little more than when she first arrived with us.


