You know he’s in electrics because he has a circuit tester. Duhh.
Gareth Jones in Langley. Gareth rules.
I’m writing this from a lift on set and thinking about shooting more film. I wax on about film over and over again. It still means so much to me. I’m trying to navigate my ways to process the images digitally, being truthful I haven’t yet figured out a happy medium for it. The B&W stuff I really just wish I could be printing in a darkroom, the colour stuff (like this image) is more an experiment than anything. Nothing really hits the same as printing.
I spoke at length on my lunch with my friend Alistair about shooting B&W and just being more into it. He was kind enough to scan these for me (my scanner can’t handle 4x5). We both grew up on film and printing B&W in darkrooms and well, it’s just not the same. There’s SO MUCH you can do to images on computers today, but sometimes (okay, most of the time) I don’t want to do any of that and I just want to smell like vinegar and run water all day.
We went on to discuss films that do weird shit, like the Infrared film I picked up this morning, trends in digital colour in post, to scanning slide films that just are what they are, unforgivingly. It’s great.
Anyways, all that said and tomorrow I’m going out with a silly long lens on my digital camera to shoot my friends bike racing. Hopefully I’ll mix a few rolls of film in there too.