New Store - Prints for Sale - T Shirts Return

Mud Bay Bald Eagle

Is my new store related to uncertain times where I have no idea when I’ll be able to return to work in the industries I’m pursuing? It most certainly is.

I know a lot of us are in the same boat. Creatives, makers, hospitality, honestly probably most everyone. We’re all in this crunch. I’m launching this store knowing full well I’m not in the position to be buying artwork, t shirts or well anything else besides groceries and rent. I know there’s no real end in sight. It’s this fun catch-22. This fun, nerve wracking, terrifying catch-22.

So here’s hoping the power of the internet works its magic. I’ve got three images up there right now, but I’ll be using the next few weeks to go through my library and set up some more. There’s also the return of the Sacrificial Leg Ritual T-Shirt… if you’re into that!

A few notes: I can take requests for any of the images you’ve seen on my feeds over the years. If you’re not into Eagles or Windows 95 Bike Races, send me an email and I can make it happen, I’d send you a link for a product created just for your print. Normally would have a locals option, but the company making the prints for me also sends them out to you, alas all orders have to be shipped. And last, I’ve got a few other ideas for some shirts, prints and projects so keep an eye out.

So hit the shop button (heads up, it does go to for the shop) and see what you like. And if it’s not your cup of tea, but you want to support me, share this with someone who likes tea. Honestly, share any local business, artist, maker or musician you like the work of or you think is a nice person. There’s a huge power you have right now to help out independent businesses in social media, as funny as it kinda sounds, any time you like, repost, share or comment on businesses, it actually helps them, so help some homies out.




Boundary Bay Herons